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Federal Agency for Public Safety Digital Radio (BDBOS)
Fehrbelliner Platz 3
10707 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 18 681-45350 (Press hotline)
Fax: +49 30 18 681-45880

Postal address

Federal Agency for Public Safety Digital Radio (BDBOS)
11014 Berlin 

Sales tax identification number


Responsibility under press law

Bjoern Wilck, press spokesperson
Head of Staff Division 1 – Communication


  • Materna Information & Communications SE (Design and Implementation)
  • Federal Information Technology Centre (Hosting)
  • Government Site Builder (Content Management System)

Image verification

The source is stated with each image. Please observe the terms of use for images below.

Legal information

The content of the website is intended to make it easier for the public to access information from our authority and to provide an accurate picture of our activities, plans and projects. Care is taken to ensure that the information provided is correct, up-to-date, complete, comprehensible and available at all times.

Please also note the following information:

1. Content from other providers

The links on these pages to content from third-party websites ("third-party content") were created by the BDBOS (editorial team) to the best of its knowledge and with the greatest possible care and merely provide access to this third-party content. Particular attention was paid to the trustworthiness of third-party providers and the accuracy and legality of third-party content.

However, as the content of websites is dynamic and can change at any time, it is not always possible to check all content to which a link has been created on a case-by-case basis. The BDBOS therefore expressly does not adopt the content of third-party websites linked to its own website as its own. Liability for damages arising from the use or non-use of third-party content lies exclusively with the respective provider of the linked page.

2. Own content

Insofar as the content on these pages contains legal provisions, official notices, recommendations or information, it has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and with the greatest possible care. In the event of any discrepancies, however, only the current official version as published in the official publication medium designated for this purpose applies. Any legal notices, recommendations and information are non-binding; no legal advice is provided.

The following limitation of liability applies to the information provided: The BDBOS is not liable for any damages arising from the use or non-use of the information provided. No liability is accepted for any damage caused by computer viruses or the installation or use of software when accessing or downloading data. 

3. Error messages

If this website contains links that refer to illegal or incorrect third-party content, the editorial team asks users of to draw attention to this if necessary. Likewise, please inform us if our own content is not error-free, up-to-date, complete and comprehensible.

4. Data protection

Please take note of our information on data protection.

5. Copyright

Copyrights for texts and images are held by BDBOS, unless otherwise stated.

Texts, parts of texts, graphics, tables or images made available on the BDBOS website may not be reproduced, distributed or exhibited without the prior consent of the BDBOS.

6. Terms of use for images

  1. The BDBOS has acquired all rights of use from the authors of the digital images, unless otherwise stated, e.g. in the accompanying image information.
  2. The image information and the restrictions on use and utilisation contained therein must be observed. The user is liable for any damage resulting from non-compliance. The user indemnifies the BDBOS against claims by third parties in this respect.
  3. Images labelled with the source reference "BDBOS" are in principle available for download free of charge and may be used in the context of reporting for the following purposes: Press releases, publications in print media, publications in film and television, online and multimedia publications. Any other use for commercial purposes, in particular for advertising purposes, is not permitted. Images with a source reference other than "BDBOS" are not authorised for use by third parties.
  4. The image material on the BDBOS Instagram channel is licensed for use by the BDBOS. Further use and publication of the images by third parties is only possible on the basis of the copyright holder's licence terms.
  5. Any editing, redesigning or manipulation of the digital images that involves more than colour corrections, cropping and downsizing is not permitted and is only authorised with the prior written consent of the BDBOS. In the same respect, the digital image may not be reproduced in a context that distorts its meaning.
  6. Any distortion of the copyrighted work in image, word or any other form, e.g. by re-photographing, graphic falsification, photocomposing or electronic aids is not permitted. The user is responsible for the text.
  7. In particular, the press is obliged to observe the journalistic principles of the German Press Council (Press Code). Consent to the use of the image material does not include the assurance that the persons depicted, the owners of the rights to the works depicted or the owners of trademark and other property rights have granted their consent to public reproduction. The user is responsible for obtaining the necessary consent of third parties in individual cases. The user is required to observe the personal rights, copyrights, trademark rights and other property rights of persons, works, objects or signs depicted. If such rights are disregarded, the user alone is liable for compensation payable to any third parties.
  8. The BDBOS reserves the right to investigate any suspicion of misuse or a significant breach of use.
  9. If the digital image is used, the source "BDBOS/name of photographer" must be stated. This also applies to electronic publications (e.g. websites). A specimen copy of every publication in print must be sent to the BDBOS unsolicited and free of charge:
    Federal Agency for Public Safety Digital Radio, Executive Division 1 – Communications, D 11014 Berlin

7. Notes and rules ("netiquette") for the use of social media

The BDBOS Instagram channel expressly requests comments on the editorial content. Off-topic posts and comments of an inappropriate nature or repetitions under different posts however are not welcome, neither are advertising and campaigns of all kinds, in particular multiple comments with the same content from the same sender or different senders. Insults, slander and defamation are punishable here just as they are anywhere. Defamation of persons or organisations, vulgar posts and personal provocations are prohibited in accordance with our netiquette. In the interests of all users, we reserve the right to remove such posts, in particular those that glorify violence, are discriminatory, racist, xenophobic, sexist, inhuman or anti-constitutional.

We have compiled and checked the content listed on our Instagram channel with great care. We assume no liability however for the completeness of the information or for it being up to date.

We are not responsible for external content to which we refer or link. The comments on Instagram exclusively reflect the opinion of the respective users, not that of the BDBOS.

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