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Certification of terminal devices and test centres

In order to ensure that terminal devices originating from different manufacturers are fully compatible with each other and work smoothly with all other components, they must be certified for operation. We describe how the certification process works here.

Source: Geithe

Security and emergency services rely on the reliable functioning of the Public Safety Digital Radio for their communications. For this reason, only terminal devices that are interoperable with the Public Safety Digital Radio and can be operated without interference are authorised. The BDBOS ascertains that this is the case as part of a certification procedure.

Certification of terminal devices

As to which performance characteristics the terminal devices must fulfil, how the certification procedure works and the content of the certificate, these details are regulated in the BDBOS statute, the Certification Ordinance (Zertifizierungsverordnung) and the Interoperability Directive (Interoperabilitätsrichtlinie).

The certification procedure is initiated when a manufacturer or supplier of terminal devices submits a corresponding application to our certification centre. In order to issue a certificate, we require proof that all required and requested optional features are fulfilled in accordance with the Interoperability Directive.

The necessary interoperability test is performed by an expert test centre certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and commissioned by the manufacturer or supplier. The certificate, which is issued upon successful testing, applies exclusively to the specific hardware and software version of the tested terminal device.

Do you have questions about the certification of terminal devices? Then please contact our certification centre.

The testing of terminal devices as part of the interoperability test takes place on the BDBOS testing platform. Would you like to know more, or do you have any questions? You will find what you are looking for under testing platform.

Certification of test centres

Interested companies can be certified as a test centre. Further information can be found on our German website.

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