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IPv6 programme operated by the federal government

The federal government has launched a programme to support public authorities and organisations in planning, preparing and implementing the migration of their networks to IPv6. We have summarised for you here what IPv6 is, why it is being introduced at federal administration level, and what the fundamentals of the programme are.

Source: BMI

The Internet Protocol (IP) ensures that data finds its way from the sender to the intended recipient in networks. This is a standard network protocol that exists in two versions: the conventional version 4 (IPv4) and the more advanced version 6 (IPv6).

Data exchange via Internet protocol

The Internet Protocol packages the information to be transmitted in data packets and regulates how the data packets are transmitted from the point of origin to their respective destination.
In order for this to work, each participant in the network needs its own IP address. IP addresses make it possible to identify and address devices in local networks and via the Internet.

IP addresses, therefore, form a basic element for data communication around the globe. However, the so-called address space, i.e. the number of available IP addresses, is limited to approx. 4.3 billion with IPv4 due to the system’s architecture. With IPv6, however, the address space is considerably larger (approx. 340 sextillion addresses).

IPv6 for future-proof management

At present, all devices in the German administrative networks within the individual authorities are still addressed via IPv4 addresses. In order to future-proof the Federal Republic of Germany and meet increasing security requirements, the federal government has decided to introduce IPv6 in its administration.

This will not only improve network performance. It will also create the prerequisites for the implementation of further IT projects and, at the same time, strengthen Germany’s digital sovereignty.

Development and support measures

The BDBOS bears key operational responsibility for the IPv6 programme, while the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community represents the strategic level and exercises the programme’s technical oversight. The federal authorities and organisations are each implementing their migration to IPv6 for themselves in the networks within their area of responsibility.

In order to ensure the smooth, secure and cost-effective implementation of IPv6 migration efforts, the federal government’s IPv6 programme provides support measures for all authorities and organisations involved. These support measures include virtual and physical test labs, a knowledge management platform with an IPv6 wiki as a central component, experts as IPv6 coaches and a migration guide with a recommended, agile procedure for planning, preparing and implementing the individual migration projects.

Further information on the federal government’s IPv6 programme can be found on our German website.

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