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Testing platform

The Public Safety Digital Radio consists of innumerable technical components that must work together flawlessly, in order to ensure the system’s smooth operation. We use extensive tests to ensure that this is the case. We operate our own testing platform to this end. Learn more here.

Source: BDBOS/Wilck

New technical components may only be put into operation in the Public Safety Digital Radio if they have been subject to prior and comprehensive testing. This applies not only to hardware, but also to services and applications.

In particular, we ensure that new system technology components are extensively tested before they are used in the Public Safety Digital Radio network. However, the radios with which the user organisations equip their emergency services are also tested for their proper functioning and freedom from interference as part of a certification process.

In order to prevent faulty products from affecting the live operation of the Public Safety Digital Radio, we carry out all tests in a separate environment. For this purpose, we set up our own testing platform in Berlin.

In a way, the testing platform is seen as a miniature Public Safety Digital Radio network. It simulates the Public Safety Digital Radio network with all its technical features and functions under laboratory conditions, and all within a closed environment. The testing platform is equipped with all the necessary network elements, components, systems, terminal devices and services for this purpose. The tests can be carried out on two independent, technically identical test lanes. The testing platform also has a certification test laboratory for terminal devices.

The testing platform is operated by ALDB GmbH, the technical operator of the Public Safety Digital Radio, which is also a wholly owned subsidiary of BDBOS. External parties may use the BDBOS testing platform in accordance with the terms of use.

Further information

Further information on how to apply to use the testing platform can be found on our German website.

Do you have questions about using the testing platform? Then we look forward to hearing from you.

Should you have any questions about certification, please get in touch with our certification centre.

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