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Our organisation

As the federal government’s network operator, we shoulder a responsible and demanding task. We work together with many partners and customers. This endeavour can only succeed with the help of a sophisticated organisation. Here, you can gain some key insight into how our federal agency and our activities are organised, both internally and externally.


As the BDBOS, we are a public administration organisation. But we don’t administrate in the traditional sense; we operate communication networks.

Process-oriented organisation

In order to fulfil our mission, structures, processes, interfaces, management, finances, technology and personnel must be optimally aligned with each other and the respective underlying purpose. We ensure this by way of our process-oriented organisation. The organisational structure of the BDBOS with its directorates and divisions adheres to this understanding of process orientation. You can download our organisational chart on the right.

Our federal organisation is divided into three primary areas. These take on different tasks in the Public Safety Digital Radio, in the federal networks and in cross-agency, cross-sectional functions.

Bodies of the BDBOS

A large number of stakeholders at federal and state level are involved in the operation of our networks. Relevant issues are regularly coordinated through various committees between the BDBOS and the federal and state governments. Binding decisions are made by the two bodies of the BDBOS: the President and the Administrative Board

The President manages the business of the BDBOS and represents it externally. In this function, the President implements the resolutions of the Administrative Board and informs it of the President’s executive activities.

The Administrative Board decides on the fundamental matters of our federal institution. It also supports the President in the fulfilment of the President’s duties, and monitors the President’s executive activity.

The federal government and all 16 federal states are each represented on the Administrative Board by one person at state secretary level, typically from the respective ministry of the interior. It is chaired by the federal government. The current chairman is Dr Markus Richter, State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community, and also the Federal Government Commissioner for Information Technology (CIO Bund).

The ALDB as technical network operator

As the BDBOS, we are responsible for the operation and continuous development of the Public Safety Digital Radio and the federal networks. We are supported by ALDB GmbH, which is responsible for the technical operation and monitoring of our networks. Founded as a project company, it has been a wholly owned subsidiary of our federal agency since 2019, and is, therefore, classified as a public sector company.

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